This is a standalone book meant for mature
"I just wanted to make sure you were all right," Liam says in his ridiculously sexy voice. Jesus, what is with this guy?
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I ask, sounding maybe a little harsher than I had planned.
"My father was very rude. I wanted to apologize for his candor," he says, all debonair and provocatively. "I think my uncle Matty has a huge crush on you." He chuckles.
"He's old enough to be my father," I say bluntly, with a little disgust.
"Ouch! I won't tell him you said that." He winces. "You're really not interested, though?" he asks and I just shrug.
"Yeah, really." "It's just that most of the girls who work here would be jumping at the chance to land my Uncle." Liam just exudes sex in everything he says. I want to yell at him, 'You have got to be kidding me, stop talking and fuck me already!' I feel my face turn hot at my thoughts and turn my head away from him.
"Well, Mr. Tarseta, I am not like most girls," I say, not looking at his black lust filled eyes.
"I am seeing that."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I shoot back.
"It's that you flirt just enough with patrons, but not enough that you are advertising something is for sale." He steps further into the room and sits next to me on the bench. He's close, close enough I can smell his expensive cologne, and holy fuck does he smell good. My breath hitches and I let out a gasp as I feel the heat radiating between us.
"Mr. Tarseta, I'm not for sale," I say, taking a drink of my Diet Coke, my mouth suddenly very dry.
"Ms. Troy, everything is for sale for the right price," he says low, almost in a whisper. I stand, feeling the need to put some distance between us.
"That is your opinion, but I assure you that there is no number large enough that can buy me," I tell him still avoiding those black eyes.
"So you are saying that nothing can buy you, nothing at all." He stands, inching his way closer. I feel the electric sparks bouncing off of me. I swallow hard as the smell of him fills my nostrils, I feel him watching the hollow of my neck.
"I am not a possession to be bought, Mr. Tarseta. Besides, why would you want me anyway, you have tons of girls just itching for you to own them."
"Well, first off..." He lets out one of his low sexy chuckles, "I don't ever remember saying I wanted you." Ouch, now that hurt. I feel about two feet tall. He stands there cool as a cucumber, while I'm a hot mess of nerves and lust.
"I didn't mean to insinuate that you did..." I stutter, trying desperately to repair this very embarrassing moment. I turn to my locker to look for something, anything to distract me. I find my phone and pretend to read a text, also trying to pretend he is no longer in the room. "Second, Ms. Troy, if I did want you, I would have you." He leans down close to my ear, so close I can feel his hot breath. Okay, that's it, I am not a toy for you to play with.
"Well, I guess it's a good thing you don't want me, because I assure you, Mr. Tarseta, you would not have me if you did," I snap, slamming my locker door. With a huff, I walk around the bench to avoid having to touch Liam as I exit the locker room. What nerve, what an arrogant asshole.

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By this far down the page, you've read the excerpt and synopsis (if you haven't, then scroll on back up there and get to it!). This is a thoroughly enjoyable book about Harper, a no-nonsense kinda gal, who is just working at the high end mens' club to pay for her tuition. She's attracted to Liam but not his attitude or his man-slut ways/reputation. He stuffs up over and over again until he finally can put into words how he feels, but not before she is driven away by... Not going to spoil it for you!!
It's well worth a read and took me being passenger on a country road trip and a couple of free nights to get through it. It's not a fly-by-night quickie, that's for sure (unless you're a super speedy reader, then this doesn't apply to you!) As a standalone too, you're not left hanging and waiting, while impatiently drumming your nails on the counter-top, for the next book to come out. I do love a good independant read and this is definitely one. There is something to be said for an all-in-one book!
1 Signed Copy of La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours
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Word Wenches
1 Winner: Custom made La Cosa Nostra purse charm made by the Word
1 ecopy of La Cosa Nostra, This Thing of Ours
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Amie and the Word Wenches would like to thank all of
the bloggers who helped to make this blog tour a HUGE success and for all of their hard work and the
reviews that will be posted over this next week. You can see the tour schedule here for the entire week and check out all the reviews. Like their blogs and follow them
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